February 22, 2006

Elemental Correspondences

The Elements typify certain states of matter, but also certain emotional and magical qualities. There are two basic Elemental systems, one from Western culture and one from Eastern culture. The Western set features four primary Elements – Earth, Air, Fire, and Water – plus an optional fifth, Spirit. The Eastern set features five Elements – Fire, Earth, Water, Wood, and Metal. These systems match the myths and magic of their founding cultures, so if you have a strong attachment to either Eastern or Western traditions then you should work with the appropriate set of Elements. If you are still exploring, you may wish to experiment with both to determine which works best for you. Let's take a quick look at these Elements now:

Earth corresponds to North and Winter. Its colors include black, green, brown, and of course all the "earth tones" as well. Associated animals include bulls, toads, bears, and burrowing creatures. This Element offers stability, security, abundance. Earth magic covers financial and fertility spells, herbalism, stone magic, grounding and shielding, hunting magic, and protection spells.

Air corresponds to East and Spring according to the Western system, although in the Eastern system "Wind" relates to the Southwest. Its colors include white, crystal clear, blue, and sometimes yellow. Associated animals include birds, butterflies, squirrels – any flying or arboreal creature. This Element offers clarity, mental acuity, and psychic talents. Air magic covers aromatherapy, feather magic, augury, the summoning of wind, and spells for learning or knowledge.

Fire corresponds to South and Summer according to the Western system, but appears in East according to the Eastern system. Its colors include shades of red and orange. Associated animals include salamanders, lions, and creatures whose lifecycles depend on fire. This Element offers passion, inspiration, and transformation. Applications of Fire magic include love spells, the control of fire, all types of candle magic, most men's magic, and any spell that involves burning something.

Water corresponds to West and Autumn. Its colors include blue, green, crystal clear, and black. Associated animals include fish, water snakes, cetaceans, waterfowl, frogs, and all aquatic creatures. This Element offers intuition, wisdom, and patience. Water magic covers some kinds of healing, fishing spells, most women's magic, the summoning of rain, and some forms of divination.

Spirit goes by many names, with alternates like Void, Akasha, and the Unseen. It corresponds to the direction within and to intercalary or "between" days. Its colors include black, white, and purple. Associated animals include eagles, snakes and other skin-shedding creatures, hummingbirds, butterflies and other metamorphosing creatures, owls, and mythical creatures like the sphinx and the unicorn. This Element offers mystery, power, enlightenment, and other subtleties. Spirit magic covers divination, communication with the dead, interaction with discorporeal beings, personal transformation, and energy manipulation.

Metal corresponds to Southeast and late Spring/early Summer. Its colors include red, white, and of course metallics. Its properties include discrimination, organization, and precision.

Wood corresponds to the Northeast and to late Winter or early Spring. Its colors include green, black, and brown. Its properties include expansion, purpose, and activity.

In order to study the Elements, you should spend time getting to know them. One of the best ways to do this is to make a small shrine, such as a garden outdoors or a shelf full of symbolic items indoors. Spend a few minutes daily sitting in front of your Elemental shrine; meditate on the Element and its properties. If you discover a special affinity for Elemental magic, you can then pursue it in greater depth.

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